Stethoscope Accessoirs

Stethoscope Accessoirs

  Useful accessoirs for your stethoscope


Kawe Dermatoscope Eurolight D30

Eartips for the following stethoscopes:

  • KaWe Colorscop Plano
  • KaWe Colorscop Duo
  • KaWe Baby-Color
  • KaWe Lehrstethoskop Plano
  • KaWe Lehrstethoskop Duo


4,70 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Kawe Dermatoscope Eurolight D30

Ear Tips, soft, csrew-on, for the following stethoscopes:

  • KaWe Standard Prestige
  • KaWe Kinder Prestige
  • KaWe Baby Prestige
7,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Kawe Dermatoscope Eurolight D30

Ear Tips, soft, csrew-on, for the following stethoscopes:

  • KaWe Top Kardiologie
  • KaWe Profi Kardiologie  
7,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Kawe Dermatoscope Eurolight D30

Eartips, rotatable, for the following stethoscopes:

  • KaWe Planet
  • KaWe Petiphhon
  • KaWe Multiphon
  • KaWe Suprabell
7,90 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
Littmann Identification TAG
3M Littmann Stethoscope Identification Tag provides easy identification of stethoscope
from 7,70 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
3M™ Littmann® Stethoscope Spare Parts Kit, Classic II pediatric
3M™ Littmann® Stethoscopes offers the high quality that medical professionals expect, and each replacement part and accessory meets the same demanding standards. Conveniently packaged in kits that correspond to Littmann stethoscope models.
12,70 EUR
incl. 19% tax excl. Shipping costs
1 to 10 (from a total of 10)